How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (2024)

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (1)

    @ddavi_dmi11 дней назад +45

    Throughout history, there have been men and women who stood up and did what they knew was right to save others, regardless of the consequences. That's what he did, and it's our duty to ensure the world remembers, no matter the challenges. Thanks for another informative and wonderful history lesson, as always. 🙌🙌🙌

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (2)

    @yaeldobzensky439611 дней назад +44

    The book 'Escape Artist' explains his story really well

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (3)

      @TheDanLevy11 дней назад +3

      Yup! Read it last year. A great book though I’d strongly recommend reading it in the brightest sunshine because the content of the book is so dark it’s easier to read while feeling the sun on your skin.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (4)

      @yaeldobzensky439610 дней назад +1

      Thank you, @unpacked

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (5)

      @davidchosewood6473 дня назад

      I read about this in a book I found in a used bookstore. It was a collection of survival stories and this was one of them. Another story that was in it was a guy that escaped from a Russian gulag in Siberia. As soon as I heard about him hiding in the woodpile I remembered reading his story. He had nerves of steel.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (6)

    @ericponce874011 дней назад +35

    Fascinating story. A film needs to be made of Walter Rosenberg's escape.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (7)

      @zui58911 дней назад +7

      The Auschwitz Report from 2021 is the latest movie.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (8)

      @nicolebrown598723 часа назад

      @@zui589 that’s a great movie😊!!!! The actors were amazing

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (9)

    @jenniferbreaux738511 дней назад +61

    My uncle lost almost his entire family in Holocaust. Those who don't remember the past are doomed to repeat it. Why does it always have to be the Jews? I'll never understand that kind of hate.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (10)

      @AdamDorfman829 дней назад

      make a video on the failures of the red cross during the holocaust and now with the hostages

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (11)

      @crypturilia45687 дней назад +1

      I ask the same all the time . I just don’t understand it either .

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (12)

      @epicphailure886 дней назад +2

      @@AdamDorfman82 Israel doesnt care about the hostages. Heck they probably played a role in staging October 7th.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (13)

      @ec12225 дней назад

      It’s the God of the Jews they hate, it’s nothing the Jews have done. It’s pure irrational hatred, and it’s growing.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (14)

      @AdamDorfman825 дней назад

      ​@@epicphailure88 that's complete utter nonsense!!! when they did the first hostage deal they exchange 50 Palestinian criminals in jail for violent offenses for 1 Israeli hostage
      so clearly its Hamas who doesn't care about its own people, they aren't desperate at all.
      without a full invasion of gaza they would have asked for more than 500 Palestinian criminals in jail for just 1 hostage
      You are pushing islamic extremist propoganda - the numbers don't lie
      Israel is paying a HUGE price to get JUST one hostages back

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (15)

    @SuperGamingCraftSGC11 дней назад +33

    Hey, I've got an interesting idea for you guys!
    You could do a video about how Bulgaria saved its jews during the holocaust, after almost being sent to Treblinka, it's a fascinating story, really!
    Anyway, love your videos, as an Israeli of Bulgarian Jewish heritage!

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (16)

      @UNPACKED 11 дней назад +7

      We always love and welcome ideas from our community! Thanks for sharing and we'll definitely explore this story further.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (17)

      @SuperGamingCraftSGC11 дней назад +1

      @UNPACKED thank you so much! It would really mean the world to me! My own grandparents were supposed to go on these trains. Sadly, my grandfathers family branch from Macedonia did not have the same luck as he did 😔

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (18)

      @yaeldobzensky439610 дней назад +2

      + Albania

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (19)

      @petervanwyngaard47882 дня назад +2

      And Denmark

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (20)

    @NaProbablyNot11 дней назад +14

    Amazing story I didn’t know about.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (21)

    @yuvalkoren40708 дней назад +6

    Amazing, thank you for spreading his story

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (22)

    @acharyavivek5111 дней назад +13

    heart breaking to hear...

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (23)

    @margaretclarke364311 дней назад +11

    Thank you so very much for sharing this amazingly brave and courageous young man's life.
    Good to know he ended up being blessed with a wife and children after going through hell.
    Definitely a HERO to be remembered.
    God bless all the Jewish People.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (24)

    @katemaloney429611 дней назад +16

    Walter is proof that you do whatever it takes to fight for your freedom and independence. He was Noah for his time.
    May Heavenly Father bless Israel, her people, and those who will fight to keep her alive.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (25)

    @k01295711 дней назад +8

    For more about Kastner, look up the book Perfidy by Ben Hecht.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (26)

    @chrisrosenkreuz239 дней назад +2

    Amazing channel, thank you for your awesome work.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (27)

    @ClickbaitMotorsports11 дней назад +9

    What an incredible story. You guys are amazing. We have been in hell for so long, persecution after persecution from the ungodly Gentile nations. Yet God is merciful and the restoration of the Kingdom of Israel is close....very close. 🇮🇱

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (28)

    @chriskarimi-vb1ep11 дней назад +16

    May Elohim bless Israel and redeem them

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (29)

    @smokeykitty60233 дня назад +1

    You tell the story well. I'm just heartbroken that it must be told at all...

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (30)

      @petervanwyngaard47882 дня назад

      Me too.
      Ever since I was 12 yes old , and the Diaries of Anne Frank.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (31)

    @chipcurry6 дней назад

    Excellent storytelling. Super video... the horror!

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (32)

    @DAVID-c9c11 дней назад +9

    6,000,000 מליון יהודים 💔💔

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (33)

    @fatifeodoskating11 дней назад +11

    Question 1, why are asking those lame questions with all those proofs? Why did they drag their feet? How many witnesses did they need? Thank Walter and Alfred, you are badass to the core.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (34)

    @Stoic29011 дней назад +6

    May Hashem bless you all. ❤✡️

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (35)

    @jolist37214 дня назад

    I will never understand human nature, you can dislike somebody but hatred destroys so many innocent lives.😞

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (36)

    @mowgli207111 дней назад +4

    Brought to you by Leatherman Wave

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (37)

    @BarkBelle11 дней назад +4

    Thanks for another great video! Am Yisrael Chai! All the haters will pay!

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (38)

    @aldinlee852811 дней назад +4

    I've been through this, still going.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (39)

    @mapiaolewale330711 дней назад +7

    I love and support the people of God Almighty Istael.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (40)

    @RootlessNZ6 дней назад +2

    There are still plenty of people who would do all this again. Humans can be inhuman at any time.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (41)

    @mpd86337 дней назад +1

    Having to hide in a hollow under a wood pile for three days, with gasoline spread all over one's body. So sad.😢

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (42)

    @PeterKambey11 дней назад +3

    this is so incredibly story .. is there a movie for this story?

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (43)

    @dannyhughes48893 дня назад

    True or otherwise I don't know but a story I read spoke of 2 who escaped Auschwitz, told their story to a young and influential Hungarian lawyer who couldn't get his head around such horrors, took them to his extensive wardrobe and said 'I have 28 of the finest shirts, how can I leave them all behind"?
    Soon after when deportations commenced he was on a train without his precious shirts.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (44)

    @user-bk1lh6pd5z7 дней назад +1

    Is it Czechoslovakia not Slovakia back then it wasn't. Divided or was he slav from Poland?

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (45)

    @tpl6085 дней назад +1

    Hair was used mostly for ropes for their navy ships. Made the rope stronger

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (46)

    @greekwarrior53735 дней назад +1

    His name was: Rudolf Vrba. NOT Walter!

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (47)

    @willielee525311 дней назад +11

    👑✡️Psalms 122:6🙏Pray for the peace of Jerusalem🇮🇱they will prosper that ❤️✡️👑

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (48)

    @robertoppenheimer897611 дней назад +3

    This man would have been Mossad 💪

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (49)

    @DA-kt3sh11 дней назад +6

    The world is blaming the of genocide because they are trying to avoid our horrific genocide but we will never forget and God definitely never forgets

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (50)

    @Contessa6363День назад +1

    A very brave Man. Thank you for standing up for the victims! Let us Remember the 11 million people estimated to have died in those camps! The Jews, Roma, Slavs, POWs, Political Prisoners, LBGtQ+ Community. May their Souls be at Peace 🙏🙏🕊️🕊️🕯️🕯️

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (51)

    @johnsdao39176 дней назад

    So many gone too soon 😢

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (52)

    @gobysky5 дней назад +1

    History is sadly trying to repeat itself. Too many Jew haters still exist, and human nature has not changed.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (53)

    @KrunoBaraba3 дня назад

    No Jew but Jewish !

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (54)

    @elvisnnaemeka672211 дней назад


  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (55)

    @epicphailure886 дней назад

    An event with stories and experiences so true that it needs to be protected by law and censorship.

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (58)

    @TheChronicChronicles53611 дней назад +86

    As a Bangladeshi I support Israel 🇮🇱

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (64)

    @truthteller84597 дней назад +2

    The Jewish peoples first love by FAR is money then family comes far behind. How can I prove this you ask? Pico-Robertson.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (65)

      @magikyuu32796 дней назад

      on place doesn't determine an entire group of people

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (66)

    @sapphicwriter10 дней назад +2

    Sad the victims of a tragedy’s descendants are now putting another group into similar misery

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (67)

      @UNPACKED 9 дней назад +6

      Sad that Hamas put the victims and victim’s descendants into similar misery - do you know that more Jews were killed on Oct 7 than any day since the Holocaust? The difference is this time Jews have an army to defend themselves and eradicate their enemies (even if unfortunately some civilians are in harms way)

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (68)

      @googleuser24707 дней назад

      @sapphicwriter, and why would it be sad that Jews are defending themselves and causing suffering to the disgusting terrorist group Hamas? 🥱
      Tell us more about that, will you, dear "I_have_a_lesbian_flag_at_my_pfp_because_I_love_how_Islam_treats_queer_people_like_Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh_who_was_beheaded_in_the_West_Bank_by_his_own_fellow_Arabs"? 🤯💀

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (69)

      @googleuser24707 дней назад

      @sapphicwriter, and why would it be sad that Jews are defending themselves and causing suffering to the disgusting terrorist group Hamas? 🥱
      Tell us more about that, will you, dear "I_have_a_lesbian_flag_at_my_pfp_because_I_love_how_Islam_treats_queer_people_like_Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh_who_was_b3h3aded_in_the_West_Bank_by_his_own_fellow_Arabs"? 🤯💀

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (70)

      @googleuser24707 дней назад

      @sapphicwriter, and why would it be sad that Jews are defending themselves and causing suffering to the disgusting Hamas? 🥱
      Tell us more about that, will you, dear "I_have_a_lesbian_flag_at_my_pfp_because_I_love_how_Islam_treats_queer_people_like_Ahmad Abu Murkhiyeh_who_was_beheaded_in_the_West_Bank_by_his_own_fellow_Arabs"? 🤯💀

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (71)

      @pastaisgood66816 дней назад

      @@UNPACKEDwell said ❤

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (72)

    @saudisinaudis10 дней назад +4

    It's a shame that these kind of stories will always be undermined by the current atrocities by Israel.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (73)

      @Davidmp10 дней назад +2

      It's a shame that the Palestinians, with their atrocious acts of barbarism and their lies, have destroyed their reputation for the next two generations.

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (74)

      @UNPACKED 10 дней назад +7

      Why are you undermining these stories? And you mean Israel’s war against Hamas?

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (75)

      @saudisinaudis9 дней назад +3

      @@UNPACKED 40000 dead palestinian civilians is not the same as hamas why are you undermining a one sided conflict? Why present important historical moments of triumphs for jewish people only to make a snooty comment over a literal fact? What are you saying? Are you denying israel's involvement in the death of the innocent?

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (76)

      @UNPACKED 7 дней назад +5

      Unfortunately and tragically, innocent people die in every war that’s ever been fought. Are you denying Hamas’s role in starting and perpetuating this war? And do you believe that 100% of the Palestinians killed in Gaza have been civilians? Oh boy…

    • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (77)

      @googleuser24707 дней назад

      @@saudisinaudis What kind of atrocities? You are talking about Hamas and other Gaza/West Bank terrorist organizations admitting using their own people as human shields? 🤪видео.html

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (78)

    @swarupb.85569 дней назад +3

    Love israel ❤️❤️❤️❤️ from India 💐

  • How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (79)

    @user-xq7tr6st5y10 дней назад


How did a Jew escape from Auschwitz? | Unpacked (2024)
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Author: Prof. An Powlowski

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Name: Prof. An Powlowski

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Introduction: My name is Prof. An Powlowski, I am a charming, helpful, attractive, good, graceful, thoughtful, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.