International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) - ILOSTAT (2024)

In addition to ISCO-08, three versions of ISCO were developed in the past. The first complete version of ISCO was adopted in 1957 by the Ninth International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS), it is known as ISCO-58. ISCO-58 was superseded by ISCO-68, which was adopted by the Eleventh ICLS in 1966. The third version, ISCO-88, was adopted by the Fourteenth ICLS in 1987.

Distinctions between different occupational classes were introduced in population censuses undertaken in the early parts of the 19th century in several countries, but the identification of occupation and industry as different variables, each requiring its own classification, was only made towards the end of that century, as it became increasingly clear that the division of labour between firms and organizations in an industrial society was distinct from the division of labour between different jobs within the same firm.

The history of the development of ISCO has always been closely connected with the work of the International Conference of Labour Statisticians (ICLS) which meets under the auspices of the International Labour Organization (ILO).

The need for an international standard classification of occupations was, in fact, discussed at the first ICLS in1923, although this conference did not propose a specific grouping of occupations. The first concrete step towards its establishment was the adoption, by the Seventh ICLS in1949of nine major groups termed the International Standard Classification of Occupations. The seventh ICLS proposed further development of this classification to more detailed level and identified basic principles to be followed in the collection and tabulation of occupational data, including that:

  • the basis of any classification of occupations should be the trade, profession or type of work performed by an individual, irrespective of the branch of economic activity to which he or she is attached or of his or her status in employment;
  • proprietors or owners who mainly perform the same work as that performed by employees in their own or in a similar enterprise should be allocated to the same group to which the employees are allocated.

In1952, the ILO published the International Classification of Occupations for Migration and Employment Placement (ICOMEP), with descriptions of 1727 occupations based on national reference materials sourced principally from 13 countries, and organized within the framework of the nine major groups adopted by the Seventh ICLS.

In1954, the Eighth ICLS approved a list of minor groups which was subsequently submitted to the governments and to a group of experts for comments.

In1957, the Ninth ICLS adopted the first complete version of the International Standard Classification of Occupations known asISCO-58and comprising a classification structure of 10 major groups, 73 minor groups, 201 unit groups, 1345 occupations and an index of occupational titles. All groups at each level of the classification were given a unique code, title and description, drafted in consultation with the governments. It was published in1958.

The Ninth ICLS also proposed a prompt revision of ISCO-58. In1965, a working party examined proposals made on the basis of comments from about 80 countries and ten international organisations concerning the classification. This facilitated the development of a draft classification which was discussed, amended and adopted asISCO-68by the Eleventh ICLS in1966. ISCO-68 consists of 8 major groups, 83 minor groups, 284 unit groups and 1506 occupational categories. It includes definitions for each of the 1881 groups describing the general functions of the occupations as well as the main tasks performed by the workers concerned. It includes an expanded alphabetical list of several thousand titles as well as a table of conversion from ISCO-58 to ISCO-68. The English and French versions were published in 1969 and the Spanish version in 1970.

The third edition of ISCO(ISCO-88)was adopted by the 14th ICLS in1987and approved by the ILO Governing Body in1988. The major changes introduced were that:

  • the underlying principles and concepts were made more explicit than in the previous versions;
  • skill level and skill specialization were identified as the main similarity criteria for arranging occupations into groups; and
  • the 10 major groups, 28 Sub-major groups, 116 minor groups and 390 unit groups in ISCO-88 provide much less detail than its predecessors, because experience had shown that it was very difficult to develop a comprehensive set of detailed categories that are applicable to all countries.

Early during the first decade of the 21st century, it became clear that there was a need to update ISCO-88. In December2003the 17th ICLS requested that the ILO complete work to update ISCO-88 by the end of 2007 so that the results could be taken into account in national preparations for the majority of population censuses to be undertaken in the 2010 round. The updated classification, ISCO-08 was adopted by a Meeting of Experts in Labour Statistics in December2007.

Whilst it employs a similar conceptual model to that used for ISCO-88, and the 10 major groups were not changed in concept,ISCO-08is slightly more detailed at its disaggregate levels and comprises 43 sub-major groups, 131 minor groups and 436 unit groups. Like its predecessor, ISCO-08 provides descriptions for all of the categories identified at each of the four levels of its structure, and can be extended by defining detailed occupations if and when required for specific national or regional purposes. ISCO-08 is now beingrevised.

International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO) - ILOSTAT (2024)


What is the international standard classification of occupations? ›

ISCO 08 is a four level hierarchically structured classification that allows all jobs in the. world to be classified into 436 unit groups. These groups form the most detailed level of the. classification structure and are aggregated into 130 minor groups, 43 sub major groups and.

What is the ISCO classification system? ›

The International Classification of Occupations (ISCO) seeks to facilitate international communication about occupations by providing statisticians with a framework to make internationally comparable occupational data available, and by allowing international occupational data to be produced in a form that can be useful ...

What is the International Standard Classification of Occupations ISCO-08 companion guide? ›

The 'ISCO-08 companion guide' is intended to aid in the systematic implementation and use of ISCO-08 in various operations and/or to assist in developing or updating a national occupation classification in line with ISCO-08. It covers various useful topics and includes examples derived from countries practices.

What is skill level in ISCO? ›

ISCO-08 Number of groups at each level and skill levels
  • 1 Managers. 3 and 4.
  • 2 Professionals. ...
  • 3 Technicians and Associate Professionals. ...
  • 4 Clerical Support Workers. ...
  • 5 Service and Sales Workers. ...
  • 6 Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers. ...
  • 7 Craft and Related Trades Workers. ...
  • 8 Plant and Machine Operators, and Assemblers.

What are the four types of occupations? ›

Types of occupations are business, profession, and employment. There are many categories of occupations such as blue-collar jobs, white-collar jobs, professional jobs, red-collar jobs, and service jobs. You have also gone over the difference between job, occupation, and career.

What is the standard occupational classification used for? ›

Standard Occupational Classification system (SOC)

The SOC system classifies all occupations in the economy, including private, public and military occupations. It is designed to reflect the current occupational composition in the U.S. and to cover all occupations in which work is performed for pay or profit.

What does ISCO stand for? ›

Glossary:International standard classification of occupations (ISCO)

What is the job definition of ILO? ›

A person in employment as defined by the International Labour Office (ILO) is a person aged 15 or over who has done at least one hour's paid work in a given week, or who is absent from work for certain reasons (annual leave, sickness, maternity, etc.) and for a certain period of time.

What are the three classifications of occupations? ›

(i) Primary. (ii) Secondary. (iii) Teritary.

What is meant by occupational structure? Classify occupations in three categories.

How do I find my standard occupational classification? ›

If you want help finding your SOC 2010 code, try using the Occupation Coding Tool. If you know your SOC code and want to find your NS-SEC code, you can use the NS-SEC Coding Tool.

What do I list as an occupation? ›

Enter what best reflects your current occupation. Common entries include: Student, Laborer, Factory Work, Owner-Operator, Self Employed, Homemaker, Unemployed, Retired, etc. What you enter as your occupation will not affect the calculations in your return in any way.

What is the Isco 08 document? ›

The International Standard Classification of Occupations (ISCO-08) provides a framework for the international comparability of occupational information. It also serves as a model for the development of National Occupation Classification (NOC) but requires adaptation for use at national level.

What are the 5 skill levels? ›

These stages are:
  • Novice.
  • Advanced Beginner.
  • Competent.
  • Proficient.
  • Expert.

What is 7 skill level? ›

Craftsman (7-skill level): Once selected for promotion to Staff Sergeant, individuals begin formal 7- skill level OJT training requirements as defined in this CFETP, DAFI 36-2670, and the AFECD. This training involves completion of all identified core tasks.

What are the 4 levels of skill? ›

The Four Stages for Learning Any New Skill
  • Stage 1 – Unconsciously unskilled. We don't know what we don't know. ...
  • Stage 2 – Consciously unskilled. We know what we don't know. ...
  • Stage 3 – Consciously skilled. Trying the skill out, experimenting, practicing. ...
  • Stage 4 – Unconsciously skilled.

What is the international definition of occupation? ›

Article 42 of The Hague Regulations of 1907 defines occupation as follows: "Territory is considered occupied when it is actually placed under the authority of the hostile army. The occupation extends only to the territory where such authority has been established and can be exercised."

What is ISIC job classification? ›

The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) is a United Nations industry classification system. Wide use has been made of ISIC in classifying data according to kind of economic activity in the fields of employment and health data.

What is the standard classification of ISIC? ›

The International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC) is the international reference classification of productive activities. Its main purpose is to provide a set of activity categories that can be utilized for the collection and reporting of statistics according to such activities.

What is the standard international trade classification? ›

The Standard International Trade Classification (SITC) is a standardised way of classifying goods that is used in statistics on imports and exports. The codes are listed here for each commodity group. Prepared Or Preserved Meat, N.E.S. Miscellaneous Edible Products And Prep.

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